Three links and a hey-hey

I love what Nathan Hale has been doing on his blog. In February he "ran" the Picture Book Marathon. Each day, he posted a new picture book idea with a mock up of the cover. Someone told me picture book authors write 50 books for each one that gets published. No wonder I've never had one published. I've only written about ten. I showed my favorite two to my editor and agent, and they both said, "No thanks."

Bookie Woogie remains my favorite book reviewer: 3 kids and their dad read a book and discuss it. So great. Check out their recent review of princess academy and the awesome art at the end. A wonderful model for  parents about how to talk to their kids about books and extend the learning.

I'll be making a super-rare-happy-good-time appearance this month, mc'ing Brandon Mull's launch of his new book Beyonders: A World Without Heroes, March 15 in Salt Lake City. I mc'ed the last two Fablehaven launches and it's so fun. Now I'm starting to wonder, but what will I do with my babies? Seriously, folks, I don't get out much.

And now that's all wrapped up, let me end with a hey-hey.



Secret writing cabals and other things you've suspected all along


Doubling your pleasure (in which I talk about boobs-as-udders)