Remembrance of April Fools Days past

The best year was first grade. I wore a sling to school and pretended to have a broken arm all day until, ta-da! April Fools Day can get pretty competitive in my family. The goal is always to trick my dad and my sister, the great skeptics of the family. (I'm pretty easy to get, especially if the trick is positive. I love to believe the magical!) The years someone succeeds are retold again and again.

I'm not up to anything too wily this year. I sent an email to my editor with an outrageous book pitch, but I hope it just makes her laugh. Two years ago on this blog I announced a Goose Girl movie with a cast so outrageous I was sure everyone would know it was a joke. (e.g. Steve Buscemi as Geric, directed by David Lynch) There was an uproar! One mother emailed me, asking me to publically apologize for making her teenage daughter cry. I did not foresee that reaction. Whoops. If you search for it, you won't find that post because someone Hollywood-ish reported it as fact and I had to take it down.

Last year on this day, I told my family I was pregnant with twins. It was AWESOME. No one was sure if it was true or not. I got several phone calls on the morning of the 2nd. "Are you still pregnant with twins?" Yes indeed! The trick was making them think it was a trick. So good.

Any good tricks this year?


The exquisite beauty of rejections


Thank heavens for copy editors