The insidious parasitic genius of babies

Wow! StephanieW commented: "I teach the fourth grade at a school in Utah. Last week was librarian appreciation week. To celebrate, we had the kids answer trivia questions about books. One question was: "What book has been requested/put on hold the most this year?" Answer: "Calamity Jack."

Oh, how much do I love libraries! Thank you, StephanieW. It was Librarian Appreciation Week, but you made me feel appreciated! Nate Hale will be stoked. He worked so hard on that book, and though it's hard to track down in bookstores, it's so rewarding that it's been embraced by librarians like you. [EDIT: Doh! You're a teacher, not a librarian. I meant librarians like yours.]

Last post, some of you congratulated me on getting out of the house. I should clarify: the interview I did with Stephenie Meyer was in August of 2008. I blogged about it now because The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide was published last week. No, I couldn't fly to Arizona for an overnighter right now.

I have blogged often about how completely joyous and exquisite it is having these two baby girls in our family. And every word is absolutley true. But it's hard too. I don't want to pretend otherwise. This winter and cold spring have been hard. I've been a shut in. There have been weeks where I leave the house maybe once. The demand of two infants with all their feedings and delicate nap schedules and ever changing routines prevent most outings. There have been days when I'm downright blue. If any of you mothers feel that way too, let's just agree not to feel guilty about that, okay? It's hard enough to have the blues without adding guilt to it. Sometimes I feel trapped and sad and, more than anything, depleted. And yet I am so in love with my babies and I don't regret them, not for a second.

Logically that doesn't make sense. Which makes me suspicious...have I been bewitched? I was observing to some writers on email this week, "This year has felt really, really long, but truthfully, the babies are so great. I'm completely in their thrall. Babies are the most deceptive, cleverest predators in nature. I serve the baby master overlords and am happy in my captivity."

But I will be getting out of my house tomorrow! Logan, Utah, the event venue is now Mount Logan Middle School. I'll be there at 6pm with James Dashner, Brandon Mull, Ally Condie, and Jessica Day George. I hope I remember to change out of my pajamas before leaving the house.


Mortification Monday


Interview with a vampire author