Shooting stars

Someone pointed out to me the Goodreads page for Midnight in Austenland and when I saw it I laughed out loud. This book won't be published till January 2012. There are no ARCs yet. No one has read it besides my husband, two writer friends, my editors and a couple of other people at my publisher. And yet it already had a rating: 3 out of 5 stars. People! Am I one of the few surviving optimists in this world? What's this "I haven't read it, but I'm certain enough that it'll be average that I'm just going to go ahead and rate that puppy now"?

Or maybe I'm totally wrong and this isn't a blind rating. Maybe my husband, two writer friends, and editors went in behind my back. They were all "Yeah, it rocks, Shannon!" to my face, but on Goodreads, the gloves come off. On Goodreads, they're all "Shannon is a great wife/friend, don't get me wrong, but her prose is just fair to middling," or, "It's my job as editor to say she's good, but here under my pseudonym of Harriet Tubwoman I need to warn the world that this is a rent-it-don't-buy-it effort."

I should go make dinner now. I'm not sure yet what I'll make, but I'm sure it'll be disappointing. I'll give it 3 out of 5 stars.


My life at the moment...


Plastic dreams