Super Secret Project...REVEALED!

What I've done today:

  1. Done 3 loads of laundry
  2. Changed 6 diapers
  3. Dropped off and picked up preschooler
  4. Played games with my 7 yo
  5. Called insurance company to see why one of my twin babies mysteriously isn't covered on our insurance
  6. Read about my book becoming a movie on The Hollywood Reporter
  7. Freaked out!

It's happening! So much more news to come. I am at least freed to talk about. This has been in the works for two years and it's so exciting! More soon.

Ps. Notice how THR doesn't mention me or my book? Oh Hollywood, you just couldn't love writers any more, could you? EDIT: They added mention that it's based on my book and I co-wrote the screenplay. Thanks to the friendly commenters who alerted them to the oversight!

Pps. That's a terrible photo of Jerusha Hess. She's really beautiful. Not that we care about such things.

Ppps. SQUEE!


The simple beauty of a perfect cast


Wait for it...