From jolly old England

Yes indeed! Jennifer Coolidge is the only actor I've had in mind while writing a character. I started Austenland before I first saw Best in Show, but she was so brilliant in that role, I began to revise Miss Charming in the novel with her in mind. If ever Austenland became a movie, I thought, I hoped she would play the role. What a dream!

A couple of other cast announcements:

Georgia King - Lady Heartwright

Ricky Whittle - George East

I am in England now. The babies were  troopers on the flight. I am so proud of them! On the overnight portion, they slept for most of the time, one in a car seat and one in my arms. The angels! When I got on, I saw the looks of terror on other passengers' faces as I came down the aisle with two babies. But they had to admit at the end that the babes were "good as gold," as one man said. Today they're pretty cranky. "Why is it so bright outside? Isn't it 4 am? What's the matter? Did the sun explode? Is the universe ending? We're all going to DIE!!!"

We'll acclimate. It's rough on babies, but I couldn't leave them, of course. They're only 9 months. Too early to be apart from Mama. A young family friend came with me to help and take care of babies while I'm on set. I had to leave my hard-working man, my 7 yo, and my 4 yo at home. The pain! At least we can exchange videos, and boy howdy, do I love Skype.

Dear Burglars,

I may be in England, but my house is not vacant. It is well-guarded, and there's nothing of value in there anyway. I swear. Unless you're in the market for some baby toys. Also my husband is large and strong and he would be really mad if you broke into our house, especially if he was there at the time. Which he will be. Waiting for you.

Dear Kidnappers,

I may have left my two kids behind, but they are well-guarded too. And even though I'm making a movie, note that it's an INDIE movie. I am not now nor will I be a millionaire or remotely close, so I will not be able to pay you a ransom. So you really don't want to waste your time with my kids. Also, I've trained them to pee on strangers.


Austenland set, day 1


The simple beauty of a perfect cast