What do I do on set all day?

That's a very good question. Mostly I watch. Sometimes from a standing position, sometimes from a seated position. Yesterday I stood for probably eight hours in total, and I felt sympathy for those full time standing jobs, like guard. Or store clerk. Or lamppost impersonator. I was achy! I slipped away from time to time to do some yoga stretches, and looked a complete nerd, no doubt. Today I had a chair, adn spent much of my day cozy.

I wear some "cans," (headphones) and watch a small monitor showing what the camera is filming at the moment. I don't get tired of it. After eight days, I still enjoy each take of each scene. Most of the time on a set is set-up time. Between takes, they reset cameras, etc., and that takes time. So I chat with others who are free at the moment. I've met some of the loveilest, funniest, most interesting people.

A set is a very interesting place where everyone has a place. It's cool to watch the crew, who are all experts in their area, moving around, wasting no time, working quickly and effieicently when it's their time to work. There's a performance going on without an audience. Everyone present has a job to do in a very specific area. Except for me. I am there to observe and approve. It's a highly professional envirnment. Every second costs a lot of money. No one wastes time. But there is a lot of down time for almost everyone between their jobs, so there's time to chat and get to know people. People! That's something I haven't seen a lot of in the past year. Except for baby people, that is. And those I see each morning and night after I come home. I love those baby people.


Sausage buns and good fun


There are frogs in Austenland, too