Comfy on the left

I've only been driving in England for 3 weeks, but I was just watching a video of someone driving a motorcycle in the US, and my first thought was, "He's on the wrong side of the street! Look out!!!" Clearly I'm used to the left now. The first few times I drove, I chanted to myself, "stay left, stay left, stay left," and then as I approached a roundabout "yield right, yield right!" I'm proud to say I don't even have to chant anymore! Yeah, I'm pretty much a pro.

This is the video I was watching. I found out that Jared Hess directed it (Napoleon Dynamite director, and husband of Jerusha Hess, Austenland director). He directed a bunch of these "I'm a Mormon" videos. I like to watch them on Sundays while my babies nap. I don't know any of the people in the videos, but they remind me of people I know, so it's like having a visit from loved ones. Yeah, I miss my family. Thank goodness I have these babies to squeeze or I couldn't survive the seven weeks.


A lazy day in Austenland


Babes in Austenland