Austenland keeps me busy

It's hard finding time to write the blog. I wake up in the morning to babies and spend every moment I can with their lusciousness. Then off to set where, despite not doing anything, I feel quite busy. I get back home late, some days only to see the babies for a bit before putting them down, and other days they're already asleep. I try to answer some emails (no internet on set) and then hit the sack, only to start it over again the next day. No complaints here, except not seeing my kids enough. But it's a temporary schedule, and the experience is so wonderful!

I am sorry that my blog is all about me, me, me. I wish I could gush to you about the cast and crew in specifics, but I understand why that wouldn't be wise. I need to respect their ability to do their job without some uppity writer reporting about their every move on my blog. Some have asked if I've met them all, and yes, I have. And I adore them all. (Danger: gushing likely) Q apparently saw something Ricky Whittle wrote on twitter. I shall have to save that story for a book event appearance. It's just not quite the same in writing. The story is also preserved on video, for good or for ill. Perhaps a DVD extra?

To answer a question many of you have asked, "Will there be a Colin Firth cameo?" Honestly, I can't imagine he has anything in his life more important than making an appearance in my low budget, indie movie. He must not know about it, right? Or else surely he would be. Just as if he knew Austenland the novel was dedicated to him, he would have rung me up to say hello long ago. Yeah, it must be that he just hasn't heard. But it's not too late, Mr. Firth! (Or can I call you Colin?) Still a week and two days of filming left!

Abby asks when we'll have a trailer to show. I truly have no idea. But be assured, the moment it's available, I will let you know here. Am I excited to show you this movie? Why yes, yes I am. That is assuredly true. Am I freaking out with excitement? Well, yes, that's a fair assessment. I've put books out into the world that some have loved, some have liked, and some have hated. I imagine the movie will garner similar reactions. Hopefully most will be the former. Oh I really, really hope.

In an email to my 7 yo this week, I told him that we work 11 hours a day to make just 2 minutes of movie. He wrote back, "Maybe in the future you could work 2 minutes to make 2 minutes of the movie, just so you know what I think." Awesome idea! Love that kid.


Counting down to the end


You asked for it, you got it