Home, in a hurry

I've had every intention of blogging for the past week and a half. So little time! A few highlights:

  • The wrap party was smokin', in a tobacco-free kind of way. So great to hang casually with all those cool folks who had been working so hard for seven weeks. And so great to get jiggy wid it! I love dancing, and haven't danced outside my house since long before my twins pregnancy. The highlight: our awesome editor slapped together a 5 min trailer of the movie. It looked AWESOME! (IMO) This isn't the trailer they'll release, and who knows when that'll happen, but it was so cool to see it.
  • Coming home! I ran into the house, grabbed my Max and Maggie, and we power-snuggled on the couch. The babies, exhausted as they were, couldn't help grinning at their big brother and sister.
  • Being home! I love being here when my second grader comes home from school. I love eating dinner with my entire family. I love reading books together and talking together and hugging and laughing. I love being a mom at home.
  • Getting back into routine. It's great to be in my own house, even though it's so disorganized I have weeks of work trying to get it back to the less-offensive disaster that it was when I left. It's great to have regular writing time again and get back into my work-in-progress.

And with that, I'm off for some soul-purging rewrites. Adios, ameobas!


A juicy Midnight in Austenland copy is calling your name


That's a wrap, lads and lassies