Surviving motherhood

I'm so proud of my friend Dawn Meehan, who is a contestant on Survivor this season. I've never followed the show before, but you bet I am now.

In this video, Dawn talks about being a mom, and how she involved her kids in her Survivor preparations. I get very excited encouraging other moms not to neglect themselves but to find and pursue their passion, their creative outlet. It's a balancing act for sure, and I'm constantly checking in with myself and my family to make sure my writing life isn't overwhelming my family life or vice versa. But I'm a better person and a happier mom for being a writer too.

I love that Dawn had this impossible dream, and she made it happen! Everyone's dream is different. Funny enough, being a contestant on Suvrivor is also on my to-do list, right under "Eat own eyeballs" and "Play tennis with a Blanc Mange." (Actually, the latter rates quite a bit higher still.) Rough it in the wild, go without sleep or food or bed, swim or run till you vomit, immerse yourself in a backstabbing high school environment, go without shampoo or makeup on national television? Count me OUT. But I'm so excited to see Dawn do it!


Writing through the chaos


And the winner is...