Returning to Danland

I did a podcast recently with Authors are Rockstars. Have a listen for me, 'cause I won't due to the sound of my own voice and the subsequent depressive sensations it ellicits in me.

So...last post. Surprise!

I've been working on the princess academy sequel for awhile now, though no one knew but my husband. I finally told my agent and editor early this year and they were sworn to secrecy. I just wanted to write this one in a bubble.

Once a book leaves me, I feel like it ceases to be mine. It belongs to the readers, its story recreated in each reader's mind. But princess academy more than most. It just felt so much bigger than me, the reaction it got so much more than I could ever be responsible for. I needed to separate the act of writing the story from any expectation, to seclude myself in the words.

This is the first time I've written two books from the same character's POV. I've really enjoyed it. And I'm really glad I waited seven years, until the story in my mind was stronger and more enticing than any qualms I had.

Thanks for your enthusiasm! I'm pretty excited about it. And now that the book is almost done and feeling solid in my mind, I can start to talk about it.


Cutting lines from Princess Academy 2


Did you know I had a second Super Secret Project?