Elementary, my dear Austenland

Fun stuff brewing for the midnight in austenland launch party tomorrow, including an in-store treasure hunt with cool prizes and an interactive murder mystery to solve. The winner of the latter gets...wait for it...


That's right, my 2012 Ricky Whittle calendar! (Not Ricky Whittle himself. Sorry, ladies.) Ricky, as you may know, plays Captain George East in the upcoming Austenland movie, and is a completely delightful human being. What you may not know is that he has a very serious medical condition that makes it impossible for him to wear a shirt when photographed*, as evidenced in his 2012 calendar. Ricky asked me for photographic evidence that I do indeed have his calendar, so I'll need to take a photo of myself with the winner and prized calendar to send to him. Hopefully whoever wins doesn't have Ricky's serious medical condition* and so all shirts will remain on.

Saturday, Feb 4, 2 pm, The King's English in Salt Lake City. If you can't make it but want signed books, you can order them from The King's English and I'll sign when I'm there. Yay! See you tomorrow!

*There is no such condition. Shannon may be a pathological liar.


On gothic romance


Yes, but what do the critics say?