What do you think about the new digs?

Dean and I revamped the blog, in part so it'd be easier to upkeep. It had a Facebook "like" button (as one squeetuser smartly suggested) but it was buggy. I just removed it after a few days of 0 likes and generally feeling like a junior high student again. Is it the braces? The stringy hair? Bad breath? Is something hanging out of my nose? You can still "like" individual posts but not the whole blog. Typepad, can you fix that please?

Working this week on copy edited manuscript of Palace of Stone. It's still kind of thrilling to me to write that title! We have lots of cool stuff planned for it this year, I can't wait. But just two more days to check the copy edits so I must go.

Lots of signings coming up. I'll be at Dolly's in Park City on Friday night and Deseret Book in both Layton and Bountiful on Saturday. Check my events page for details. And Utah writers, don't miss Writing for Charity this year! A real bargain and going to be so great. Thanks SO MUCH to all who came to the King's English launch! I want to post pics when I get a sec.


After Austen


On gothic romance