I have something to show you...


(Yes, I did indeed gracefully place a scarf beneath the books for effect.)

I have four ARCs of Palace of Stone to give away! I can't believe they're already here and real and this is happening. Comment on this post to enter. Let's say one entre per person, okay? I'm not going to check, but you know, honor system. Since I am so scared* to release this book into the world, in your comment, tell me something that scares you too, especially if it's a good thing that you know is right. I'll use a random number generator to pick four winners on Tuesday morning.

If you win, you are required to read the book and email me about how much you liked it. That's right--REQUIRED! You are NOT allowed to dislike this book!

...okay, personal opinions are valid, everyone is different, blah blah blah, I will respect your response no matter what it is...whimper of fear...


*Lemme 'splain. I love this book, you guys. I'm really proud of it. But ever since I finished the final draft, I've been doused with the tremblings and the panic attacks. I've never felt so much expectation. The part that I can control--the writing of the book--I felt good about. But now comes the part that I can't control--the opinions-at-large--and this time, more than ever, the reaction to come scares me.


The fab four winners are...


First date, John Carter style