Two of my favorite covers ever + winners

EB-SPAINThanks for playing! I just have to reinsert these two lovely images: Spanish Enna Burning and Korean Forest Born. Mmm. (click to enbiggen) At TLA last week, I noticed how rare painted covers are now for YA. It's all photos.

So many of you were SO close. But the first correct answer was from Q!

1. Enna Burning, German
2. Forest Born, UK
3. River Secrets, Korean
4. Austenland, Korean
5. Enna Burning, Spanish
6. Enna Burning, Korean
7. The Goose Girl, Hungary
8. The Goose Girl, Japanese
9. Forest Born, Korean
10. Enna Burning, Japanese
11. Enna Burning, French
12. River Secrets, UK

AnFBkoread as some of you suggested, I'm giving away another ARC to a randomly selected commenter. The winner is...

S Blackburn!

Okay you two winners, email me your address and who you want the ARC signed to! squeetus (at) g mail (dot) com.

ONE MORE CONTEST: On Tuesday evening 7pm MDT (6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern), I'll post all the Goose Girl covers, first correct guesser wins an ARC. I think that one will be tougher. See, I'm doing it in the evening for the sake of students! I do listen to you! There will be 15 covers to guess. Some of them you already know. Some will be really tough. May the force be with you.


The international Goose Girl


International cover contest with prize!