What did you learn at the princess academy?

SpainTGGWinners! Winners! Wow, the 2nd guesser got it all right only 9 minutes after I posted. And I thought it would be so hard.


1. English-UK
2. Indonesian
3. English-UK
4. Japanese
5. Dutch
6. Hungarian
7. Korean
8. Spanish
9. French
10. fan art by CrownJewel
11. Indonesian
12. Turkish
13. Vietnamese
14. Korean

Here's where things get freaky. Using the random number generator, the random winner was: Q. Yes that's right, the same gal who correctly guessed the last contest and already won an ARC. I don't think she meant to enter. She wasn't guessing, just wishing everyone luck. So I'm going to send you some foreign edition, Q, and save the other ARC for someone else. Second time, the winner was:


Sora and Taiger, email me: squeetus (at) g mail (dot) com.

Still more opportunities to win an ARC of PALACE OF STONE. On Twitter, my publisher (@bwkids) is running a contest. Tweet something you learned from Princess Academy with the hashtag(#PrincessAcademy) and you're entered into a contest. I believe one person each week is chosen. Here are some of the entries they sent me. Just lovely. And I can't take credit. Of course when I write, I'm not thinking, "What can I teach people?" I'm just thinking about making the best story I can. These lovely readers found their own messages in the story, part of the magic of reading.

Papbnew1@jessung #PrincessAcademy taught me that it's okay to feel vulnerable, and that being brave--even if I may feel quite the opposite--is okay, too.
@domisimone At #PrincessAcademy I learned that I can do or be anything, and that I don't have to end up with the prince to be happy.
@JayaLaw I learned from #PrincessAcademy that education can heighten your awareness of the world and improve your community's standard of living.
@sherryberrett #PrincessAcademy I learned to communicate through stone, but I must not be soon it right because it isn't working. (ßhahaha J)
@moltenbook Learning and friendship are worth more than any crown or gown. #PrincessAcademy
@broadwayforever Reading #PrincessAcademy taught me that everyone has talents that make them special, even if it takes a while to figure them out.
@abackwardsstory #PrincessAcademy from @bwkids teaches girls that it's okay to love and be YOURSELF, and not rely on boys to save them!
@chelserbug What I learned from #PrincessAcademy? I learned that everyone is a princess :) (And also, I found a new appreciation for my home mountains!)
@Robin_Weeks #PrincessAcademy by @haleshannon taught me that we don't like people who can't make us respect them. And that I want my own linder house.
@rebeccamherman I learned that there are much more important things than being beautiful or rich or a princess! #PrincessAcademy
@LauraLyle #PrincessAcademy taught me knowledge is power. And that appearances are deceiving. Cliche because they are true!
@BookSnatch I learned that no matter who you are, you can become the type of person you want to be if you work hard. #PrincessAcademy
@Kiirs I learned that even a girl who thinks she's insignificant can change the world. #PrincessAcademy


And don't forget about entering the sweepstakes! It's over at Bloomsbury's Shannon Hale Facebook page.


An ARC winner speaks


The international Goose Girl