Squeetus summer book club

Pa_pbJoin me for the first Squeetus Summer Book Club. Starting in July, I'm going to read a chapter of Princess Academy each day and post my thoughts, behind-the-scenes secrets, writer insights, and just generally anything that might be of interest. Sort of like DVD commentaries of a movie. I'll also answer questions in the comments of each previous post.

With the publication of Palace of Stone in August, I thought it would be fun for people to either review Princess Academy or read it for the first tme along with me. What do you think? What kinds of things would you like me to talk about?

I'm not sure I could do this with a more recent book. I like that I've had several years and can go back to the book with some distance. I'll start Monday, July 2. Please join me here!


The self-publishing paradox; or, why I love my editor


A letter to Princess Academy readers