Squeetus summer book club: Princess Academy, chapter 19

Pa_pbChapter 19

The opening song: A love song that only Mount Eskel would create.

"However...": Oh! To float above the ground only to come slamming back down again! I so feel Miri here. Never in my life has a prince seemed to like me and then leave early without declaring his feelings, but I feel like I know exactly what she feels. Isn't it amazing how universal feelings are? That we don't have to go through the exact same thing to understand each other? Like quarry-speech, similar memories nudge our own till the message is almost just the same. Not exact, but humanly close. I love books for how they help us empathize with others experiencing things we never will.

"she felt as though she sat in the puddle" pg 226: Sitting in a puddle is never a pleasant place to be. But I trust that Miri will be able to stand back up.

"She was used to having the idea of Peder nestled constantly inside all she did," pg 228: This is how I felt when I was falling in love with Dean. The feeling has changed slightly with the years and the confirmation of his own love. Being mutally, welcomingly in love means the other is a constant companion even in their absence.

"Esa was telling her to run." pg 230: Wait, what? Danger is afoot, you say? I wasn't expecting that! (or were you? Do tell!)

Libby asks, "With editing, are there times when editors tell you to change things that you'd rather not change (stuff that's important to the plot, etc.)?" I've never had any negative experiences with this. I trust my editor and try to listen closely to her feedback. There are definitely times when she points out something isn't working and suggests a solution that doesn't work for me. But so far I've always found a different solution that solves the problem in a way that works for both of us.

Kris says, "Just letting you know that my preteen daughter and I read PA together last year (along w/The Witch of Blackbird Pond-- don't you love that book?!), and I know that the experience will always be one of those special memories." I do love that book! Thank you. Reading books together creates such a unique and profound bond with people, doesn't it? It's much more intense than watching a movie together. It's closer to actually experiencing the action of the story. Going on an adventure together. So lovely.


Squeetus summer book club: Princess Academy, chapter 20


Squeetus summer book club: Princess Academy, chapter 18