Shocking! Shameful! Me at the splash pool!

This summer I took my girls to a toddler splash pool, which was daring of me frankly. We rarely go anywhere. But it was summer, and hey, it was worth a shot. With one walking around the shore trying to break into other people's treat bags and the other adventurously leaping to her possible death in 2 feet of water, I kept busy. The other mothers kept looking over at me. At first I thought it was the natural "that poor lady has twins" gaze that I've gotten used to. But there was more staring than normal. And it seemed somewhat annoyed. Were my girls exceeding the allowed toddler rambunctiousness?

Finally I said to the nearest mother, "Please let me know if my girls are bothering your kids."

She said, "Oh no they're fine."

A beat.

"So, did you make that yourself?"

Make what?

This is how slow I am. It never even occurred to me that they were all staring because I was wearing this:


-minus the husband.

Going to the splash pool had been a last minute decision, and frankly, I hadn't had time to shave. So I was like, hey I'll wear that swimming costume with bloomers I don't get enough use out of. It was cute and also conveniently cover-upper-y. I put it on and didn't think about it again, which seems odd, I know. I guess my whole mind was occupied with toddler twins.

I looked back on the stares, the concern, the apprehension and annoyance from the moms, and finally realized they were simply reacting to my outfit. They didn't know what to make of me. I was wearing an odd costume to a splash pool! Without showing any shame! Or at least breaking out into the Charleston. Was I a lunatic? An attention freak? A sister wife?

The truth was so much simpler. I was a frazzled mother of twins that hadn't had time to shave.


I have news! I have news! I have movie, movie, movie news!


On hate