Jane's Night In

Tumblr_mxcnu3xy6Z1r2v336o1_1280Austenland releases on DVD/Blu-Ray/VOD on February 11!

To help get the word out, several people active in social media, including myself, have been asked to host a pre-viewing party of the video on Friday, February 7 and live tweet the event. Follow me on twitter or check back here next Monday for a post about the event.

Here are some YA authors who are hosting their own Jane's Night In parties all over the US:

Jerusha Hess - Austenland director, tweeting from the official movie account

Margaret Stohl - author of Icons and co-author of Beautiful Creatures

Melissa de la Cruz - author of Witches of East End, Frozen, Blue Bloods

Becca Fitzpatrick - author of the Hush, Hush saga

Ally Carter - author of the Gallager Girls and Heist Society series

Jennifer Lynn Barnes - author of The Naturals and Raised by Wolves

Libba Bray - author of The Diviners, A Great and Terrible Beauty, Going Bovine

Barry Goldblatt - my illustrious agent

Check out these fabulous bloggers, readers, and movie watchers who will be hosting and tweeting:


Twilight Lexicon

That's Normal

Twilight Moms

Mundie Moms

A Day in Motherhood

Page to Premiere

Reel Life With Jane

Friday evening, check twitter for #JanesNightIn or #Austenland and join us for some laughs, photos, and vicarious festivity!


And a special plea: please don't pirate this movie. If you can't afford to buy or rent it, please request it from your library, thereby supporting the filmmakers and your local library. Hollywood measures success by $ made, and if movies like this don't make money, it makes it harder for other movies like this or other movies by women to get made.


Photos from our own little Austenlands


My dangerous side