Ever After High book 2 vs. too-good-to-be-true-anxiety

EAH_Unfairest_CV[1]This week, EVER AFTER HIGH: The Unfairest of Them All (the 2nd EAH novel) publishes into the world. I have had such a blast with these books. The second book follows the aftermath of what happened in the first, again following Apple and Raven (though Maddie, as always, plays a big part, and Cerise fans will be happy to read more of her story...)

Arizona: see me Tuesday, March 24, 7pm, at Changing Hands

Utah: see me Saturday, March 29, 2pm, at The King's English

I'm not doing a full book tour for this book because I just finished a tour on Friday for Dangerous. And I couldn't do two book tours in the same month. Because, yes, I had two books publish in the same month. FYI: this is insane. How is it even possible?

Dangerous I began writing long ago and far away. It could have published in 2013, but for various business reasons ended up in 2014. And then I took on the EAH challenge, writing three EAH books in a little over one year (the 2nd and 3rd with help from my ridiculously talented husband Dean). So these two books ended up coming into the world the same month. It has been a whirlwind. Exciting and exhausting too, as I also have other book writing deadlines this month as well as those four children who have Wants and Needs. But I feel so grateful to have this problem.

A lot of writers experience Too Good To Be True Anxiety. This is our dream job and we love it, but we also live in mild anxiety (and sometimes cranking that up to dreadful fear) that it will all go away. Any day, this thing we dreamed about and worked toward for decades will stop. Dry up. No one will want to read us anymore. So while this month has been objectively pretty hard on me and my family, we have two books! Two books I love and am proud of! Two books I get to share! Life in abundance. I'm in awe, and the dream continues for at least a little longer.


Two Dangerous covers


In which I say "toot"