Newsletter open to public

So, I said I'd wait two weeks before posting The Squeeter Pig here, to give those who subscribed an advanced viewing. My outlook calendar just reminded me that it's time! Enjoy. And don't forget to submit an entry for the Reading Teacher Award.

Itpa_1 I was at a signing last night at The King's English, my local independent bookstore, and I had someone take a picture so you could see, a.) my new hair-do with extra red coloring, and b.) the cover for the Italian princess academy, which I just received yesterday. And yes, I AM wearing a tiara. See, my hair color doesn't look too fake, does it? A little splash of color never hurt anyone.

It's so freaking cool to get a foreign edition of your book. I love it. And it's been really interesting to see the very different covers for this book. You can see the UK cover at


Party for the little tyke

