Party for the little tyke

My Max is two years old! Crazy. Hard to believe he's a little guy now and not the snuggly potato bug he used to be. We had his cousins over for festivities, opened presents, ate pumpkin bread, played games, then went to our fabulous local indoor swimming pool. Later that day after we were coming back from a book signing, Max pointed to the balloons and presents and did the sign for "again!" It was fun to watch him amid all his pals, getting gifts, blowing out candles, all the attention focused on him - he acted as though this was how things should always be. This is right. In this setting I feel completely at home.

What, is Midvale, Utah the literacy capital of the state? I've had two signings at different bookstores in Midvale in the past month and I was just asked by another store to do two more this month. Crazy.

I changed representation this week. I'd been with my original agent since the beginning and it was so hard, so miserable. I feel awful about it. Yuck, yuck, I just hate so much this kind of stuff, but I think it was time. She is a good, good person, she is a wonderful agent, she has a true heart and a good eye. And yet it was for the best, I really believe. Dang it. I hope we both heal from this. Even though I think it's good, it doesn't mean that the situation doesn't hurt. Bless her.


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