Inbox collapsing

I'm so sorry to say that I can no longer answer all my email. I never thought I would get to this point, but I'm afraid the day has come. I know it's so important for many readers to be able to hear back from a writer, so I feel like I owe you an explanation.

Max has stopped taking naps. The 2-3 hours I used to have in the afternoons is gone. This is the time I would write and try to answer email. We're doing quiet time now, but it isn't nearly as long. Some days I get just 45 minutes on the computer, all of which I really need to write.
After this pregnancy, I'll have a new baby plus a toddler and I imagine my computer time will be even more limited.

I will do my best to read all my email and on occassion will answer some of the emailed questions in my blog. I love hearing from fans and really regret I won't be able to answer personally, but I need to put my kid(s) first and still have time to write more books!


Ode to the sassy


Laurie's take