Ode to the sassy

Yesterday while driving in my car, I was feeling pretty good and was trying to identify the sensation. Was I feeling sexy? Close, but not quite. Finally I hit on the word--sassy. I was sassy. The sassiness had something to do with the combination of no traffic on the road, "Superfly" on the radio, and a recent trip to the hair salon.

I began to contemplate, exactly what is sassy and how can one achieve it? Such knowledge could bring civilization to its knees! I don't think it's age specific--I've seen my 4-year-old niece and 95-year-old grandmother both sport admirable sassiness. Is it gender specific? I don't think so, but perhaps our male contingency on squeetus would care to chime in. I wrote up a list of things I think one can do to help realize satisfying sassitude:

How to be sassy

  • Always tell the truth
  • Create your own style
  • Laugh at most everything, especially yourself
  • Refuse to hate what everyone else is hating
  • Decide that you're cute, even if you'd never admit it
  • Dance by yourself
  • Never underestimate the power of a great hairdo
  • Acknowledge your eccentricities but never give them up
  • Lean back and sigh...and when you find yourself worrying too much about things that don't matter, sing to yourself, "Life is just a bowl of cherries..."

Sassy Women Songs


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