Batman strikes


We had a great Halloween! Max is of the age where the whole experience was a delight. He had no expectations, so at each door when he said, "Twick ow tweat" and they gave him something, he was so surprised and elated. His favorite was giving handfuls of candy to the people who came to our door. He was the cutest Batman ever and would only let us call him "Batman" whenever in costume.

Check out this great pumpkin my friend Laura made:


In audio book news, I received a call from the company producing the austenland audio book and they're starting to look at talent. They bandied about the name of an actor who I would swoon for--we'll see if her schedule and inclination would move her to accept. I imagine it's a long shot, but I'll report here as soon as I know anything. Full Cast has completed recording princess academy and is just putting on finishing touches, and they've cast and begun recording enna burning.

Dean and I continue working on the new graphic novel, sequel to rapunzel's revenge. It's slow going. We're working at just getting a skeleton of a first draft and then put in the music later. It's pretty pathetic right now. But it'll be great. It will. Eventually.




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