
I'm behind in everything. I've hit the "I'm huge and restlessly uncomfortable" stage of pregnancy, and although I love the belly (I happen to think I'm terribly cute right now--how's that for sassitude?), it's hard to sleep. I wake in the morning, exhausted and underslept, so I end up napping during Max's quiet time, and everything is falling apart. I barely manage to get my daily writing done, and everything else in my life must slide.

But Max and I had a wonderful morning. It's gorgeous weather here, sunny and 70. We took a long walk, holding hands and talking about backhoes and leaves and garbage trucks, then we went to the park. All morning we were tigers, Mama Tiger and Baby Tiger. He's pretty much divine. Now he's resting, and I'm off to put a dent in the graphic novel.

Here's an ad with Miss Piggy that is on our Muppets DVD extras. I love it. I can't think of many famous people I would love to meet but would make me starstruck. Frank Oz is one of them.


Nightmare survived


Batman strikes