Nightmare survived

Whew. Home from Miami. The beach was wonderful, the schools visited were SO great. All the kids were--wow! And everywhere I go, I get very encouraged about the future because of the amazing educators that I meet.

But, the trip ended up being a nightmare. Ack. I will never, ever do that again. Never travel anywhere involving layovers when I'm 8 months pregnant, and my husband has a sinus infection, and I'm traveling with a toddler. Frankly, Max was the best of the three of us. What a trooper. Dean and I really tried to hold it together, but both ways we met with long waits in airports, extended delays, weather and equiptment problems. Yesterday, I was up, either presenting at schools or traveling, for over 20 hours straight. That's hard on me regularly, but in third trimester of pregnancy, it was night of the living dead. It got to the point that while on the second flight, I actually had a panic attack. I don't get those, I guess that's what it was--I started to hyperventilate and cry because I was so exhausted. I can't think of a more physically taxing thing I've done outside of labor.

But, home again. Playing Baby Tiger and Mama Tiger. House is a mess. I haven't written in 5 days. But I'll pull it together. Very soon. You'll see.


Sand butt

