Happy thoughts for Razo

I just found out that river secrets was considered for a National Book Award. Linda Sue Park, one of the judges (and a brilliant author and Newbery medalist) posted on her blog her "A List" of books that the judges discussed and considered. There were about 30 all together. I feel so honored to have made that list! What a huge compliment, that among so many amazing books this year, river secrets caught their eye. Good for Razo. He's such a dear.

As I keep returning to the 4th Bayern book between other projects, I've found that I really miss Razo. It was such a delight to write from his point-of-view. He was such terrific company. And sadly, he has such a small part to play in the new book. But I do get to spend a lot of time with three of my favorite characters.

By the way, the winner of the National Book Award was Octavian Nothing by M.T. Anderson, which I haven't read yet (I'm such a slow reader! It's been so frustrating as my to-read pile gets dangerously high), but by all accounts is amazing, and I love M.T. Anderson. Just thought I'd give it a little plug.


I'm huge!


Getting through a story