I'm huge!

I've got four weeks left in this pregnancy, but I sure feel like I could go at any time. My belly is so cute and round, and I love feeling the baby move in there. Her space is getting pretty tight, so she doesn't kick or flip anymore, just rolls, tries to stretch, tests the confines of her uterine prison. I have a feeling she's pretty darn cute and incurably sassy.

I just finished up going over the copy edited book of a thousand days. I added three new paragraphs and feel so relieved that I had the chance. They'd been bugging me. Overall I'm ridiculously pleased with it. I won't post a first chapter until well into next year. Sometime in the spring, Bloomsbury is going to do a contest and one of the prizes will be an advance copy of book of a thousand days. I'll of course post contest info here as soon as I get it, but don't expect it for a few months, I think. I can't wait to share this book! I don't know that I've ever been so excited to share a story with readers since goose girl. What an amazing year awaits...a baby coming, and three books to be published in the next 13 months.

I emailed a lovely woman from Bloomsbury UK this week to see if she could help me track down an address for Colin Firth, so I could send a copy of austenland (it's dedicated to him), and she told me that she actually received a phone call from his mother a few months ago about some unrelated issue. Can you imagine? Why is that so cool to me? She's also spent time in J.K. Rowling's house. It's true what they say, isn't it, that all of us are separated from any one person on this planet by no more than six degrees? What a cozy world.


Still gravid


Happy thoughts for Razo