Still gravid

I took Max (who's now officially three years old!) to a bouncing place today, you know, where they have lots of inflated things to jump on and slide down. Whenever I got up on one, I was pretty well stuck for some time, doing a very impressive imitation of a beached whale. There were a couple of other pregnant woman there, but they looked 5 or 6 months pregnant to me, and I think everyone was looking at me like, why is she even out of the house? How is she even mobile? Max had a blast, though, and when I told my editor about it, she said I was earning some serious mommy points.

I added river secrets quizzes, and thanks to Enna Isilee who sent me some quiz questions and helped motivate me to get it up. This week I'm rewriting our graphic novel script (the sequel to rapunzel's revenge that we refer to as jack). I'll send that off to my editor next week, and then I'm going to take a break for a couple of months. That idea makes me nervous. I'm so addicted to writing daily, but it's also stressful for me when I can't get the time in. I'm going to try to give myself permission to take a hiatus for the end of my pregnancy and when the baby comes. It should allow me more reading time, which I've been sorely missing. Well, I think I'll still write for at least 15 minutes every day to keep myself in the habit, but take off the pressure of my daily word count goal. And then? As soon as I'm able, back to Bayern book #4.


Prego proof


I'm huge!