What do you think it takes to be a princess?

With the release of the US paperback edition of princess academy, Bloomsbury is sponsoring a contest. See the back pages of the paperback for complete info and rules, but I'll post here the important stuff:

In Princess Academy, the village girls must attend a makeshift mountain academy to prepare themselves for royal life after the priests divine that one of them will become the prince’s bride. At the academy, the would-be princesses learn much about rules, competition, friendship, and loyalty.
Author Shannon Hale was inspired to create seven “How to Be a Princess” tips for her readers:
1. Learn to walk with a boot on your head.
2. Put on your favorite dress.
3. Read books after everyone else has gone
to bed.
4. Memorize the rules.
5. Break the rules.
6. Save your friends from danger.
7. Most importantly, just be a girl!

To enter the contest, create three more tips and tell us why these tips would help you become a better princess (or a better person!). One grand-prize winner and two second-place winners will be selected by Shannon herself. Entries must be 200 words or fewer. The grand-prize winner will receive a phone call from Shannon Hale, signed copies of all of her books, a $50 gift certificate to her/his favorite bookstore, and a sneak peek at Shannon’s next book. Two second-place winners will each receive a signed copy of Princess Academy, a $25 gift certificate to their favorite bookstore, and a sneak peek at Shannon’s next book.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Contest begins May 1, 2007, and ends December 31, 2007. Enter by
printing your name, date of birth, parent’s/guardian’s name if under the age of 18, full address, and
phone number on an 81/2 x 11 piece of paper or via e-mail and create three “How to Be a Princess”
tips, then describe in 200 words or fewer why your tips would help you become a better princess or
person. Mail to: Princess Academy Contest, Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 104 Fifth Avenue, New
York, NY 10011 or e-mail to children.publicity@bloomsburyusa.com. Entries must be received by
Bloomsbury (Sponsor) no later than December 31, 2007. Partially completed or illegible entries will
not be accepted. Sponsor will not be responsible for lost, late, mutilated, illegible, stolen, incomplete or misdirected entries, or entries with postage due. All entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be returned, so please keep a copy for your records.

Contest is open to legal residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec, Puerto Rico,
Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and where prohibited by law) to persons over eight (8) years of age.


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