Cover story

The cover for book of a thousand days is up on for your happy viewing. The paper is textured, so it'll look better in hand than on screen. A very different look from the Bayern books, but I think it's lovely.

princess academy came out in US paperback last week, and it appeared on the Book Sense best seller list! Right there at #9, doin' a happy dance. I never imagined it'd go back to best sellerdom. Pretty darn cool. There are four (I think) major best seller lists in this country, each one taking its data from different sources. Book Sense gets numbers from the independent book stores, bless them.

river secrets was nominated for the YALSA Teens' Top Ten! For those who don't know, there are yound adult groups all over the country who get to read advance copies of new titles. They pick their favorites, creating a list of about thirty books. The nominations list is announced, and all teens are encouraged to read from that list all year. In November, during Teen Read Week, teens can vote on their favorites, narrowing it down to the Top Ten. goose girl made the top ten a few years ago, and it was so cool for me, especially since it was my first book. Lots of good books on this list for your summer reading. For those interested in joining a YA galley group, you can see if there's one in your area.

I worry that the info on this blog is so North America-centric. For example, the princess academy contest, sadly, is only open to US and Canada residents because it's sponsored by Bloomsbury USA and must be for legal reasons. If there are ever contests or news that apply to other areas of the world, I will certainly post them here, too!


Working on jack


What do you think it takes to be a princess?