Working on jack

I mean that both ways--yes, I am working on jack, the sequel to rapunzel's revenge, but it's going so slowly it may as well be jack. We threw away the first quarter, rewrote it entirely, threw that away, and rewrote it again, and now we're working on the rest of it, throwing away enormous chunks, cutting out major characters...I guess it's about as major a rewrite as I've ever done. And I'm inching my way through it, with so little writing time.

And the little reasons for my lack of writing time:Maxmag_eastersm

They are so precious, can I be blamed for abandoning all else just to stare at them in astonished admiration all day long? I'm absolutely loving having this little baby in our family. And I'm so lucky that this boy is one of my best friends.

I've posted some tour dates. Besides what I have up for the summer, I'll be doing a little touring in the fall as well (all with toddler and baby in tow!). Right now, it looks like it'll be New York/New Jersey, Nashville, and some parts of Texas. Early next year, I'll be touring with Libba Bray and I believe we'll be somewhere in the northwest, somewhere in the midwest, and somewhere in the southeast. How's that for helpful info? More info, of course, as I get it.


Wearin'-the-Normal-Size-Pants Dance


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