
Tomorrow is the big austenland release party at The King's English for all you folks hereabouts (2 pm). And to clarify some points:

True: I will be adorned in a Regency era dress.

False: I will be looking smokin' hot.

True: There will be open mike karaoke all afternoon during the signing.

False: I will be performing a solo rendition of "Wind Beneath My Wings."

True: We're going to have a red hot good time. You may want to bring your camera for a certain photo op...

And I hope you will permit me a small squee as I tell you that princess academy paperback is back on the New York Times Best Seller list (squee!).

Now, just because it is SO cool, I must share a limerick my friend Laura Middleton wrote in honor of the austenland release:

If the Pembrook Park (a.k.a. Austenland) brochure were written in limericks:

Our sales pitch:

If you're seeking a lovely vacation,
Or you've got (shhh!) a Darcy fixation,
Then come and make haste!
We'll keep it all chaste
But won't skimp on fervent flirtation.

Our location:

Forgo the hot sun of the beaches.
Walk gardens, taste sweet English peaches,
Enjoy our terrain.
(Ostensibly, Jane.)
Did we mention the men all wear breeches?

Our guarantee:

For one of our gents you'll be fallin'.
Any reticence we'll be forstallin',
'Cause your corset's tight strain
Cuts the blood to your brain;
Then, any old guy looks like Colin.


I plan to leave my heart in...


BEA news! With photos!