I plan to leave my heart in...

San Francisco and Santa Rosa, here I come! The austenland party was great fun. Huge thanks to Jessica and Marcus for leading up the karaoke. I'd hoped having the karaoke going on would make the waiting-for-signature part more bearable for everyone. I just hate having people wait in line for me. We really tried to make it a party so people could wander and sing and not just stand around waiting. Because the truth is, I'm a slow signer. I like to talk to people. Also I had to take a break in the middle to nurse Maggie. And once I had to run out and sing the chorus of "Total Eclipse of the Heart." I really did. It wasn't a choice.

Afterward some of us went out to dinner, and my friends Marcus and An were saying that I was famous, and I was protesting that I really wasn't, that 200,000 books are published each year and just being published doesn't make anyone famous. And An said, "The Gutenberg press changed everything. Just think, because of the printing press you're more famous now than the pope was in the 13th century." There you have it. Step aside 13th century pope, here I come.

I'd post photos, only my camera went missing. The King's English discovered it today in the backroom of the bookstore. They claim it was a mistake, but we all know that those wily booksellers have sticky fingers. So pictures to come...


Awash in austenland

