Graphic proof of coolness

Get ready for it. Are you ready for it? I don't think you are, but here it is:


Awesome, no? Isn't that incredible? Are you screaming in delight? I mean, isn't she the most beautiful baby in the world?

Oh, you weren't screaming about a photo of Maggie? You were more interested in the woman I'm posing with? Yeah, she's a very nice lady, and I'm trying to give her a leg up in the world of publishing. She wrote this sweet little book called Twilight, and I hoped that by mentioning her, I could help spread the word. Poor dear, she's really struggling right now as an author and I just want to do what I can for her, because I'm that nice.

You're not buying it? You think I'm shamelessly showing a photo of myself with Stephenie Meyer in order to make you all think I'm cooler than I am? Well, that's quite an accusation, young lady, and I don't think I need to answer, but I will anyway. Yes. I am. Shamelessly.

Stephenie Meyer is uber-cool, folks. She's lovely and kind and funny, and she came to my signing at The Changing Hands bookstore in Phoenix, Arizona, which blew me away. It was especially fun because I was just a chapter away from finishing New Moon, so her voice had been in my head all week. I loved New Moon, by the way. Love that Jacob Black.


And if one writer wasn't enough, I also got to hang with J.S. Lewis, co-writer of the Grey Griffins series (he was the kind soul who took these photos and sent them to me since my camera is AWOL). He has the cutest little girls ever (after Maggie of course, silly) and that inclines me to think extremely highly of him.

The signing in Phoenix was about as lovely as I've ever had. Thanks Janet and Faith and everyone at Changing Hands! And other Faith too, young Faith, cute Faith. I've gotten to meet so many awesome fans at various signings (cuileann, Enna Isilee, Ist, Slim Butterfly, Celes, Calliope1of9--thanks for taking Max on the merry-go-round, by the way). It's so terrific to get to travel and meet people face to face. I have the coolest fans in the world.


Our Chum Jane


Awash in austenland