Awash in austenland

Maggie and I will be at the Changing Hands bookstore in Phoenix tomorrow (Tuesday) night. My first visit to Arizona! For a Utahn, that's uber-ridiculous.

It's been very interesting to see reactions to this book as they come rolling in. I've never had a book where I've had to deal with such extremes. With the young adult books, the feedback has been breathtakingly positive to mildly indifferent, but really never dipped below that line. Not so with austenland. Some of the reviews (by individuals at least) have been downright contemptuous.

Is it the difference of grown-up versus young adult books? Is it just because my style is different with this book? Maybe. But I think the major reason is because I've stepped onto sacred ground--Jane Austen. She is revered. And by writing an Austen-inspired book, the potential to offend those who love her is serious. I love her too. But in a different way than some, I guess. Just as friends. You know.

I think another big factor is that this book essentially is a comedy. And humor is personal. Some people just plain don't think it's funny. That's cool. I mean, you've got your own thing going on and you can work it. Go ahead. Work it, work it, shimmy shimmy coco-puff. Not everyone has the same sense of humor, thank goodness, or I might actually have to laugh at those frat boy prank movies.

So often lately I've been experiencing a sensation like where you tell a joke at a party and suddenly everyone goes quiet to hear it and then no one laughs, and you're left with the cricket noises, smiling apologetically for your lame joke. And then the next minute in another room, telling the same joke and being knocked over by appreciating laughter and applause. Man. If I took either of those responses too seriously, I'd be a basketcase. Good thing I spend a large portion of my free time changing diapers.

Sorry no austenland party photos yet. My friend fetched my camera from The King's English for me, and it wasn't mine. I don't know if it was a mix up or if my camera really is lost. Maybe someone stole it and took it home to put on their secret Shannon Hale shrine in their closet. That would be creepy. Also lame because I'd have to buy a new camera. But also kind of funny. I mean, come on, a Shannon Hale shrine? That's funny, isn't it? Anyone?

Anyway, a supercool review from The Bookpage, my new favorite review journal: "the best Austen tribute since Karen Joy Fowler’s The Jane Austen Book Club....chick lit with soul….there’s a laugh on nearly every page—Hale, like Austen, is adept at subtly skewering the ridiculous..." Huzzah, huzzah!


Graphic proof of coolness


I plan to leave my heart in...