Winning losers

First, the very cool James Dashner is donating all his royalties from copies of The 13th Reality that are sold in the first week of publication (which would be now, I think). More details at his blog.

Dean and I were talking about wanting to read some graphic novels that had been recent award winners.

"But which kind of awards are they?" I asked. "The kind that awards to really great reads, or the kind that recognizes the genre breakers and innovative styles?" I.e. the kind that might be "important" but also "boring." Personally, I think there's room for both kinds, both contributions to literature are vital to keep it alive and growing, but also keep readers reading. But as a reader, I want to read the rippin' good tale most of all.

So my question is, do you select your reading list from the winners of certain awards? Do you always trust the Newberys, the Pulitzers, the NBAs? Do you shy away from the Hugos but embrace the Nebulas, or vice versa? Are there obscure awards that you think always choose really great books? My new favorite awards are the CYBILS. What do you mean that's because they chose book of a thousand days? I scoff at your unfounded accusation! Those peeps just know good reads, that's all I'm saying.


Reading actually is fundamental


Princess Academy contest results