Reading actually is fundamental

President Bush's budget is proposing cutting funding from Reading is Fundamental, a program that puts millions of books into children's hands. A child's literacy is directly linked to having age appropriate books in the home. If you feel strongly about supporting this program, too, please follow the link where you can write a letter to your representatives in congress and senate.

Nathan Hale pointed me to an interesting article that posits, a creative person doesn't have to be a superstar to make a living doing creative things--all they need are 1000 True Fans. (Later in the article, it explains that book writers need a lot more, since our cut from a book sale is so small.) I love the idea of 1000 True Fans, and what it means to be a True Fan as opposed to a Lesser Fan. It makes me wonder how many I have. I truly have no idea. It could be five or five thousand for all I know. But some interesting thoughts there for those of you hoping to make a living at the impossible.

Happy International Women's Day! One of my best friends is passionate about supporting the charity mentioned in the article. I want to help out too. This year is going to be a year of active good deeds. I can't wait. More soon.


An ideal husband


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