An ideal husband

Here's the thing, ladies--if you're going to get married someday, it's kind of important to pick the right guy. Allow me to list a totally random collection of traits you might want to look into.

  • A sense of humor, and how. If he can make you laugh everyday, and you can make him laugh, and you both laugh together, that is a serious bonus. Wait, bonus nothing, that's essential.
  • He should have really great genes. That's hard to tell up front, but it'd be nice once you have kids to have beautiful, smart, awesome ones.
  • You might want to think about finding someone strong. Like, outlandishly strong. Superhero strong. I imagine it'd come in handy around the house.
  • Also he should be smart. He should understand things you don't and be able to explain them to you without making you feel dumb, so you can keep learning. And he should be interested in learning new things from you, so both your horizons are expanded.
  • And he should be gentle and loving, and care more about you than himself, and look for ways to make you happy.
  • He should have integrity--know what he believes and stick to it, but also have an open mind and be willing to consider new ideas.
  • Nerds are cool--but opt for a self-aware nerd, one who can laugh at his own extraordinary nerdiness, like, Star Trek convention level of unimaginable nerdiness. Serious, serious nerdiness. Imagine the hours of laughing nerds can provide in the home.
  • Bald is nice. You don't have to keep buying him new combs all the time or wait while he puts in hair gel. He can just shine his pate and go.
  • And wouldn't it be nice if you were, say, an author, and he happened to read your books and genuinely like them, and what if he also happened to be brilliant at giving feedback and helping you to make them even better? That would be awesome.
  • Wait, let's go a step further--what if in addition to all that, he himself was also a genius at writing and you could actually write books together? Wow, that's almost too much to hope for, but fun to think about.

Whoa, you know what's weird? I just realized that all those points describe someone I know--my own husband in fact. That's amazing! Wow, he must be really, really cool.

Happy anniversary, honey. You've made the past eight years into the life I always hoped I'd have. I love you so much.


Squeetus exclusive: Linda Sue Park


Reading actually is fundamental