Awash in authors

Writing for Charity was awesome! I was a little concerned that our turnout would be too small to make it worth the authors' time, but we had some great last minute publicity and our turn out was terrific for a first year. I was also nervous because I was organizing this shindig and am so not an organizer. It could have been a disaster. Somehow, it all came together. Huge thanks to Laura Middleton and our wonderful volunteers for running the show!

We earned over $4500 for the Wheelchair Project, enough to buy 54 wheelchairs. That feels really good. Fifty-four people whose lives are changed because of all the participants who came! Thank you! I was MC'ing, and unfortunately I mentioned how much we made up front and got emotional, and it took me awhile to get a hold of myself. Erk.

I was also a little emotional to be sharing the stage with so many awesome writers who all donated their time.


(back row) Scott Francine, Wendy Toliver, Mike Knudson, Tracy Hickman

(middle) A.E. Cannon, Kristyn Crow, Sydney Salter, Rebecca Hickox, Anne Bowen, Laura Hickman, Mette Ivie Harrison, Ann Dee Ellis, Ann Dee Ellis's belly

(front) Kimberley Heuston, Shannon Hale, Chris Schoebinger, Brandon Mull
Photo credit Enna Isilee

I really hope we do it again next year. I think I'd better not be in charge again, but the plan is another local author will pick the charity and organize the event. I'd love to participate.

Some more photos from last week. Several cool authors came to Utah for a literature conference, and I got to be Jennifer Holm's date and crash the party! A major perk for being an author.


X.J. Kennedy, Jennifer Holm, me, Candace Fleming, Kenneth Oppel, Eric Rohmann, and Vivian Vande Velde.

Here we are, the lovely ladies of literature. We were showing some leg, I believe. Very telling perhaps that Rachel (was it? I hope I'm remembering right) who took the photo cut off our legs. I have a feeling the choice was made in wisdom and out of pure benevolence.


A wee bit closer


Horrible? I hope not!