Secrets in paper

Rspb_3I should mention that river secrets, with its shiny new cover, is now out in paperback in the US. There are extras in the back matter, including the first few pages of forest born. Or what were the first few pages back in June. It's changed mightily now. But you'll still get a general idea from it. I'm sorry for those of you who purchased goose girl and enna burning in paper and were waiting for rs to come out in paper too for a matching set. There won't be a paperback of rs with the same cover as the hardcover. It stinks, I know. These things are out of my control. The hope is that new covers will attract new readers that didn't pick up the books based on the old covers, and I'm very grateful to my publisher for caring enough about these books to repackage them. 

A few recent tidbits for the interested. An interview with

Interview with about rapunzel's revenge, which is their frontpage September Reading Recommendation 

Newsarama interview with me, Dean, and Nate.

I'll be in Austin for the Texas Festival of Books in early November. More "How to be a reader" topics coming up, as well as squeetus exclusive author interviews. And some semi-official release dates: the actor and the housewife, my new novel for adults (ala austenland) will be out in May/June '09, and forest born (Bayern #4) October '09.

Also, I removed my toenail polish three weeks ago and still haven't painted them again. I have bare naked toes. K, now I'm clearly stalling so I don't have to (get to!) go back to work on forest born. Some days it's awesome! And some days...I blog about my toenails.


Three things that are just wrong


How to be a reader: Reviewing the review