Three things that are just wrong

1. From a page in my son's counting book:
Let's count body parts! You have
1 head
1 nose
1 mouth
2 eyes
2 hands
9 fingers
10 toes

2. My neighbor Autumn Goodwin recently had her third baby. She woke her husband in the middle of the night believing she was in labor. They got the kids out of bed and took them to a relative's house, but suddenly the labor was much more intense. He hurried to the hospital and drove up to the emergency entrance.
"My wife's having a baby!" he said.
The orderly sighed, having dealt with many easily excited husbands and labors that last all day. He said, "Take a wheelchair and go bring her in."
The husband grabbed a wheelchair, rushed back to the car, and found his wife holding the baby. Yes, she delivered her own baby by herself alone in the car.
So I was talking to her about it on Sunday. "I saw an article last week about a 7-year-old child who helped deliver her mom's baby, and I thought, at least she had help! They should write an article about you."
Autumn laughed and told me that her mother phoned The Deseret News, Utah's largest newspaper, to tell them the story. Their reaction was, "We like it better when there's a hero who steps in and helps deliver the baby." They weren't interested in the story. Because there was no hero.
Um...excuse me? What about Autumn? Wasn't she the hero? Delivering her own baby? It's only an extraordinary story if someone helps the mother, but when a mother does something remarkable on her own then it's no good?
And I find myself incredibly pleased that in our story of Rapunzel, she gets herself out of the tower.

3. Stretch pants. (Perhaps I should specify--me in stretch pants. But no, I think I'll let that stand. Stretch pants.)

And at least one thing that is oh-so-right: our early autumn weather. Heaven!


How to be a reader: The moral of the story is…


Secrets in paper