Lauren Myracle is a sadist

That's right, you heard me.

Lauren has dared 13 other YA authors to scare ourselves and post proof by midnight on Halloween. How? Anyway we can. Lauren, for example, will teach herself the Thriller dance, video herself doing it, and post it on youtube. You can read her reasons for this particular ordeal on her blog.

The other authors who have accepted the challenge:
M.T. Anderson
Holly Black
Libba Bray
Meg Cabot
Cassandra Clare
Melissa De La Cruz
John Green
Shannon Hale
Maureen Johnson
Stephenie Meyer
Kirsten Miller
Sarah Mlynowski
Scott Westerfeld

Of course I said yes. And, I'm terrified. Holly will do something involving zombies. Cassie plans to eat brains in Paris no less.Scott (or Mr. Westerfeld, since I've never met him) has declared "there will be blood." Meg will dress up as a fairyand go out in public. I think Libba is in Germany, which should makeher fulfillment interesting. Tobin (M.T.) has agreed to be in the sameroom with me again (just kidding, don't know what he's cooking up). The rest have been silent...too silent. I've spent the last two days ruminating over everything that scares me, and the list is long. I've considered video taping myself doing the following things:

  • Jumping off a great height (hopefully with some sort of elastic cord attached)
  • Driving a motorcycle (but maybe not, because I don't actually want to die)
  • Watching a horror movie
  • Going door-to-door selling something
  • Public nudity
  • Singing a formerly-lovely song
  • Allowing my husband to hide somewhere in a dark house and scare me

What do you think I should do? What scares you? And why am I crazy enough to agree to this?

Lauren! (shakes fist at the sky)


The Dean Witch Project


Some tidbits