The Dean Witch Project

I did it. I met Lauren Myracle's Scare-a-Thon challenge. Allowing my horrifically creepy husband to scare me in a dark house seemed the best way to reach the highest "scare" quotient.

  • Scream along with me as I stumble through a dark house with no idea what to do!
  • Watch with fascination my amazing cinematographic skill as I feature my mouth and nose!
  • See the jumps as we edit awkwardly to cover up my terrified ineptitude!

Yes, that last point is particularly noteworthy. Right at the climax when I was at my most petrified, I hit Stop Record, as if I could turn off what was happening. I was amazed watching the video after to hear my breathing--I actually had rapid, labored breathing induced soley by fear. I was shaking for a good hour after. So curl up in a well-lit, safe, cozy room and enjoy. (And thanks, Shawn, for naming our incident!)

EDIT: If you can't load the embedded video, you can view it on youtube.


Previous Austin!


Lauren Myracle is a sadist