Austenian slip

Blerg. Sinus infection. Can't get myself to do much all week. Feel half buried. A&H release party photos still coming...

So when I spoke at BEA a couple of weeks ago, I was talking about the hope fairy tales inspire, and I showed my long, laminated roll of rejection letters. My publicist Deb was modeling the roll and while she struggled with it, I started talking to fill in time, things I hadn't planned to say. I said something like, "Nine of those rejections are for The Goose Girl, and in fact, some of the editors who rejected Goose Girl might be in this very room." This got a laugh from the audience, so I said, "I want you to know, I'm a very forgiving person," and I blew a kiss. I wouldn't have said that if I'd thought about it in advance, but out it came anyway. Cheeky minx.

Well, I just found out that at least one of the editors who rejected GG was in fact in that room! Ha!

Truthfully, I don't fantasize about stickin'-it-to-'em. I found a publisher eventually who I adore and is my home. The years of rejections were helpful, a way to weed through indifferent or wrong editors for my stories and find the one who would be passionate about what I do. But still...I have to admit, for the sake of my younger forlorn self, that that moment is kinda a little bit cool.


In which there is pie, aprons, karaoke, and chops


Creative mommies