In which there is pie, aprons, karaoke, and chops

Photos from the actor and the housewife release party at The King's English! My brother-in-law kindly took a bunch. Here's a random handful.
Three sexy ladies pose in their aprons next to Colin Firth, duly outfitted. Sexy lady on left gave me one of the aprons she made. It reads "Cullenary Expert" and has a black apple.
My cute mom and cute sister #3 (6-months prego). During the Q&A when someone asked me if I ever considered a second career as a stand-up comic, sister #3 shouted out, "Don't give her a big head." I assure you, my family will prevent that. Isn't that what families are for?
The illustrious Anne Holman from The King's English made me teary-eyed with her kind introduction. Love her. Love that store.
Look at the little cuties in their aprons! LOVE it.
Look how rapt and entertained they all look! I must be a fantastic speaker!
There's my cute hubbie. I'm glad we got a photo of his dalliance with chops. His razor broke when he was shaving, and we said, "Why not?" A couple weeks with chops can only improve the world.
Blah, blah, blah.
Some more apron-wearers in the back. I'm sad we didn't get a photo of all the apron contest winners. Some stayed up all night making an apron especially for the event, and they were darling.
Yay, karaoke ladies!
At the signing, with a cutie Rapunzel fan. Look at that smile. (hers, not mine)
These ladies are feeling the music. You go, girls. The sisters on the right drove up from Arizona. They were also volunteers at the Book Babe event. Awesome aprons.
The audience bears witness to the soulful karaoke performance.
These girls sport stylish aprons all their own.

Thanks to the King's English and everyone who made the event so fun. I had a blast and am so honored to have such kind, loving, intelligent, sporting fans. You guys rock!


Our little drummer girl


Austenian slip