Dewey Decimel-less

My oldest started kindergarten today. Kindergarten. He's there now. I stood by the window and watched him for a good ten minutes before leaving. As we arrived at the school, he jumped up and down and said, "I've been waiting for this day my whole life! Even since I was four!" So, he's good. But still, my first, in kindergarten...

 Anyway, it's a new school, and the library is empty. Completely empty. So surreal. And wrong. I'm on the library committee. We get to help build the library collection from scratch, oh happy project. I could use some brainstorming. If you had to pick five books that were MUST haves for a K-8 library, what would they be? (besides mine, of course, because that's what everybody would suggest first. Right? Right?)




Two! (count 'em--two) Contests!